Monday 29 September 2008

Story of the Seaside- 500 Work

Old People walking pass him and he look at them and thought what are they doing here. As he is a young adult he thought that these old people was out of place but in fact he was wrong as they were the only person who had more reason to be there. Looking down now thought the wood at the sea and thought that he must not let anything fall off. It was a brightest day and he was at the beach on the pier in Brighton. He observes that there were lots of people on the pier even so it was really early in the morning.
He and his friends were sitting on the bench then woke up and walk a bit further on the pier. John also observes that there were many rides on the pier and a casino. While walking he join up with other mates. He started talking he suddenly notice something a butterfly flying around. It was weird to him as its impossible to believe that a butterfly was flying around on the pier it was unreal. Lots of pigeon he said to his friends annoying he thought it was. His friend took pictures of those pigeon he didn’t bother about it and started talking about something else.
Twenty minutes ago while he was sitting on the bench he observe a little tractor was going by. For some reason he notice that people wear sports clothing and was weird to him as you suppose to wear beach clothes at the beach. Music playing out loud on the pier and from the pier you could see the traffic light. Foreign people walking on the pier he obviously notices them as they were talking their own languages. From the pier john could observe many things from the city and the beach. People working then he came back to earth obviously not everyone is having fun at the beach. He realizes that some people on the pier were work and notices that one man a security talking on a walky-talky to his colleague.
For some reason this sentence come across his mind ” The noise of the city was interact with the silence of the sea”. He realizes that there were less youngster than old people. Now walk along the beach he observe and believe that there were lots of artwork on the beach they were really old. He feels fresh air around and the feeling of freedom. While he was walking along the beach he notice some old place and start asking question about it. He wanted to know what was it then one of his mates say it is the west pier.
The smell of food reveal nice and he notice that there were lot of shop selling food around. He still was walking along the beach taking pictures and observing his surrounding. Now he stop for a moment to make more observation sit down and started writing. Moving again now towards tunnel out in the city he was heading now in the town as he was walking towards this tunnel he though that he never saw something like it before all these short cut were new to him.

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