Monday 22 September 2008

A Journey to College


Tuesday September 2008 John woke up again in the same world and felt empty. As he went out on the road, music playing out loud from his Ipod he look keen for this new day that is given to him. Some how his earphones manage to fall out off his ears. He seems tired as he was carrying a heavy bag. He suddenly found himself between people he didn’t know as he was walking in the direction of the train station. He started to feel like sore and walk faster. He turns back to see if they were looking at him but none of them were paying attention to him so he walk away and continue his journey on the road to the train station.

As he walks further away from those people he felt that his bag was really heavy and then decide to slow down a bit. Arrived at the top of the road he cross the road to go into the park the tress were all greenish and there were pure air to breathe to. Finally out of the park he makes his way to the Clair Hall car park. As he got closer to the train station he started to sing people were looking at him but he wasn’t paying any attention.

On the station he waited about fifteen minute before the train arrived during that time he observer someone it was a lady with a red dress she was talking loud on her mobile phone. Twenty pass eight the train arrived he gets on the train can’t find a sit then stay stand up.

 Again he observe an another lady this time the lady was in a blue dress and was explaining herself to her friend who look really keen to hear what she had to say. Fifteen minute to nine the train arrive at three bridges that where john have to get off the train so he did so and waited another fifteen minute for the train to Crawley.

He got on the train still listening to his music from his Ipod. He eventually arrived to Crawley Station. Off the train he started to walk towards town center. He looks around lots of people were going the same way as him. He eventually carries on and took left thought the county mall then right near toilets are and out opposite to the memorial garden. John finally got to the opposite of the college then he cross the road. Suddenly he saw one of his mates in front of him try to catch up with her but she was going to quick. The time john arrive to the lift she already took the stair. John got lucky he took the lift which was available and got there before her. He enter the classroom with a strong smile. After a few minute she came in the classroom out of breath.   

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