Tuesday 14 October 2008

Overheard Conversation


“Just like that” the little girl with the petite voice said to her Mum, she was as happy to be there in town. The little girl’s Mum who was wearing a shiny earring didn’t have a response to what her child was saying. The racket and the atmosphere of the town was becoming over warming. Two guys walking along NEXT the shop said “how she looks” and walked away quickly. “My Dad served it” the man with short hair, dark jacket and one shaky hand said with a piercing voice on the phone.

As the end of the day seemed closer, a woman with white top said while she was standing in front of the 3G shop with an enthusiastic tone in her voice “free phone unlimited text”. “Am going to swap the babies” the guy said to his wife on the left of republic. He had an eye catching blue shirt on which seems to reach to the attention of everyone. “See you later” said two young women. One of these young women had lots of mascara on and the other one had high heels which you could distinct her from her friend.

“Laughing” in the air two women walking in the middle of the crowd in the town as they were moving faster, any sound of them was lost. “There the stair” the old women said to herself while looking up the stair. The little girl who was sitting down said with an air of passion gain in the tone of her voice “they look like policemen”. “Pretty emotional song” young friends said to each other while walking in a hurry towards the mall. “I can hear you mum” the little girl wearing a pink dress said with an angry tone in her speech.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

The Men in the Picture

“Strange a man with a walking stick standing there watching us” David the man on the ladder was saying to his friend near him. Two steps from Tom the man standing with the walking stick were a post box, dark it seems. The entire road looks old and sad like life were gone but still three men there. The walking stick man wearing dark trousers feet cross awaiting for those guys to finish what they were doing it seems. David the man by the ladder said let carry on painting this wall the other man James on the ladder answer okay.

Cross pavement under his feet Tom still standing and thinking why they painting? In his thought”why are they there anyway” he also observe that there were lots of windows of apartment around. All shutters down from the shop and still no sign of movement going on. Tom the walking stick man now is wondering in his mind “are they really painting now?” The Impurity and the circumstance of the place make Tom realize that the road is so messy.

Oh my god still watching us David reply to his friend quietly I know reply James also quietly. Weird old man James speaking with a strange sound in his voice. Are you hungry David asking with a worried tone in his voice to James? No, no not yet he replies quickly.

Tom realizes that that wall seems to be closing that road to any traffic. He now suspects this might be a factory and they are building the wall to prevent any danger. On the lamp post there were a poster tom notice that and didn’t bother to find out what it is as he was to busy watch these to guys. Something come across the mind of the author of the picture No shadow, the sun isn’t there, the sky with no colour, the picture was taken behind them and they don’t even know about it.

It feels like life has many questions he thought in his mind and believes from his heart and body.